Anglická konverzace zdarma

Protože procvičování není nikdy dost, rozhodla jsem se dát vám možnost najít si k sobě konverzačního partnera z řad ostatních studentů angličtiny. Napište tu něco o sobě, ideálně v angličtině ale není podmínkou. Nezapomeňte zmínit odhadovanou úroveň jazyka a své časové možnosti a kontakt na Vás. Při konverzaci můžete využít seznam témat, který mám v části Pro studenty. Domluvíte se na termínu a pak už můžete vesele konverzovat. Tyto lekce nemají nahradit lekce se mnou, nebo jiným lektorem, ale mohou je vhodně doplnit 🙂 Prosím uvádějte váš e-mail do textu odpovědi, ať ho ostatní vidí.

Radka Havlíčková
Pomáhám lidem cítit se dobře při komunikaci v angličtině.
  1. Radka Havlíčková napsal:

    Dobrý den,
    jsem stálý začátečník, je mi 35 let. Sleduji filmy a jednodušším rozumím, ale mám problémy se skládáním slov ve větě + slovní zásoba.
    Nepotřebuji obchodní angličtinu, na to mám zaměstnance. Moc ráda bych si s někým psala delší dobu a po psaní, až se mi zlepší angličtina, tak i mluvila.
    Když mluvím, tak mi nenaskakují slovíčka, které bych potřebovala.

  2. Radka Havlíčková napsal:

    Hi, My name is Monika. I’m 26 years old. I work in an office and learning English is my hobby but I have nobody to train speaking with. I’d like to find a friend for communication throught whatsapp, skype etc.

    If you’re looking for someone for speaking, please do not hesitate to contact me:

  3. Radka Havlíčková napsal:

    Hi, my name is Nelly. I am 31 years old. I have one child ( girl, 8 months old). I love my dog Bublina and walking with her. My English is not good, but I would like to be better and better. I need to speak English better, because of my job. I live near Prague (D1 direction). Please contact me.

  4. Radka Havlíčková napsal:

    Dobrý dem/Ahoj,
    měla bych zájem o konverzační hodiny v Aj se studentem.
    My name is Lenka, I´m 36 years old. I have one child. I live on the small city front of the Prague. My English is not so good, so how I would. I learn english long time, but i don´t have any progress.

  5. Radka Havlíčková napsal:

    Hi, My name is Helena. I’m 25 years old and I live in Mladá Boleslav. I work in an office and learning languages is my passion. Unfortunately I have nobody to train speaking with. Therefore I’d like to find a friend for communication – on phone or face to face. I like martial arts, composing, economy, psychology and so much more…so I’m pretty sure there will be always something to talk about 😉 I can speak fluently and in near future I’m going to do FCE. If you’re looking for someone for speaking, please do not hesitate to contact me:

  6. Radka Havlíčková napsal:

    Moc se omlouvám, ale musím na nějakou dobu ukončit možnost najít konverzační partnery na této stránce. Bohužel mi přes noc nějaký robot naházel 4000 komentářů a není v mých silách všechny procházet a hledat, jestli mezi nimi není nějaý zájemce o konverzaci. Jestli teda hledáte parťáka a chcete si popovídat zdarma, napište mi na, a já sem váš vzkaz vložím. Nebo využijte možnosti facebookových komentářů.

    • Radka Havlíčková napsal:

      Zuzka is looking for a conversation partner:

      My name is Zuzana. I´m 30 years old. I work as a creative artist. I’d like to find a friend for face to face communication. I live in Prague. I´m workaholic but I have free weekends and during week after 6 p. m. too. I would like to go for coffee, wine or some walk, and so on. In free time I like traveling, gardening and a love everything about art
      In English, I’m not absolute begginer but I afraid speak and I want better vocabulary and English in general.
      Feel free to contact me +420 775 745 473,

    • Radka Havlíčková napsal:

      Ales is looking for a conversation partner:
      Hello, my name is Aleš and i am 24 years old. Last month i finished my master degree study at VSB-TUO. The field of study was a system engineering contains all around information about IT/ICT and software development. For example my master degree thesis is about service mobile application development for android. In the middle of august i will start work as a software developer and i would like to improve my communication skills. So i am looking for someone, who can train „hard“ with me. I am looking forward to our meeting and conversations!

    • Radka Havlíčková napsal:

      my name is Kristýna Onallah and I would like to meet somebody enhance my English. I live in Czech Republic and I am 19 years old. I will go to Art University. My hobbies are photography, graphic design and psychology. I would like to meet new people from new countries.
      Please contact me on email

    • Radka Havlíčková napsal:

      Hi, my name is Nicol. I am 13 years old and a live in Brno. I so much want speak English, but I do not have person, who would speak to me English. My FB is Niky Ševčíková. I like dance and I play piano. I would like to improve because we have to go to England. If anyone was willing to help me or just talk to me sometimes … I would like to. Please contact me ASSP.

  7. Renata napsal:

    Hi, my name is Renata. I am 37 years old. I want to speak english. Bud I am afraid to speak. I would like to improve my english by writing and speaking.

  8. Michal napsal:

    Ahoj, kdyby měl někdo zájem psát si jen v angličtině ať už sms, fb nebo kdykoli jakkoli tak mi napište 728 100 872 třeba jak se mám a můžem si psát o čemkoli.. 🙂

  9. Michal napsal:

    Hi, I’m Michal. I’m 24 years old. I speak a little english. I live in small town near Trutnov in Czech republic. I like travelling, music and sports. I studied the language school in Valletta. 🙂

  10. Karolína napsal:

    Ahoj, jmenuju se Karolína, je mi 24 let a bydlím v Pardubicích. Potřebuji se rozmluvit, angličtině relativně rozumím, ale neumím mluvit. Je to pro mě momentálně velký problém jelikž chci odcestovat do Anglie a tato indispozice mi v tom brání. Najde se někdo, na skype nebo osobní setkání v Pardubicicí, kdo by se mě ujal a rozmluvil mě? 🙂

  11. Dominik napsal:

    Hello, My name is Dominik :), I am 19 years old. I live in Zlínský Kraj. I study fourth grade of High school. My English is bad, I would learn English, because I am studying economy and here is English need. Thank you 🙂

  12. Magda napsal:

    Hello, my name is Magda. I live in Prague. I am 34 years old. I would like to improve my English by speaking or writing via skype or email. I look forward to your answer.

  13. Tereza napsal:

    my name is Tereza. I am 15 years old. My hobbies are playing guitar, reading book… I love this language, so I decided improve it. I think I can speak english well, but it is still not perfect. Please contact me on my email Thank you.

  14. Ellie napsal:

    jmenuji se Eliška, je mi 17 let. Včera jsem se vrátila z Egypta, všichni tam mluvili anglicky a mě se tam moc líbilo. Mám v plánu se tam vrátit a pracovat v jednom hotelu jako animátor. Proto bych byla moc vděčná za někoho, kdo by se mě ujal a učil mě. Sice jsme se domluvila a rozuměla jsem něco málo, ale anglicky skoro vůbec neumím. Budu ráda když se mi někdo ozve a zkusí to se mnou. Předem díky 🙂

  15. Zdeněk napsal:

    Hi , I am 31 old yers guy. I was born in Prague, but now living in Beroun. I am looking for chating and speaking in english with someone nice girl .My hobbies is fitness, healty livestyle ,traveling reading books about how poeple transform their live in to succes . I trying to be vegetarian, becouse i think this is smart way how to improve world arround us in 21 st century . If you want learn english with someone like me , than write me . Best regards . Zdeněk email

  16. Jitka napsal:

    Hi, my name is Jitka. I live in Oslavany some 30 kilometres from Brno. I´m preparing myself for maturita exam. I would like to converse with someone and improve my english. If you have a interest you can write to my e-mail
    Thank you to all who write me.

  17. Lenka napsal:

    Hello, my name is Lenka, I´m 42 years old. I need partner for english speaking. I´m not beginner but my english isn´t not good. I use Skype.

  18. Honza napsal:

    Hello there, I’m Honza, Rescuer-paramedick, 45, marreid, 4 children, intermediate. I live in the village near Nachod. I’d like to find someone for regular communicate in English via Skype.
    Here’s more information about me.
    Thank you for any response:)

  19. Jan Lanka napsal:

    Hello there, My name is Jan. I’m 45, married, 4 children, intermediate. I would like to find someone for regular conversation via Skype. Here is more information about me. Thanks for any reply. H

  20. Natalie napsal:

    Hi there,

    My name is Natalie and I am 20. I would like to find somebody for writting, chatting or speaking. I really like sport, traveling and music.

    My email:

  21. Ondřej napsal:

    Hello, My name is Andrew, I am 16 years old. I study English language six years old, but is inadequate, cause school…My teacher understand my situation..I love this language, but she does not time on me…according to her i am good student…but idk…Now i need friend who can writing with me on my email or Facebook…maybe…:)

  22. Jakub napsal:

    hello my name is Jakub and i looking for conversation or writing with same partner I am 18 years old and my english is not very good but I hope that my english will be better and better. I will looking forward for you

  23. Nikol napsal:

    Hi, My name is Nikol, I am 29 years old, live near the Slavkov u Brna. I work in Brno. I am finishing my studies at Masaryk University and I would like to improve my english skills – writening and speaking. If you want to write me, my e-mail is:

  24. Jana napsal:

    Hello, my name is Jana, I´m 27 years old and live in Prague. I really need somebody for practise conversation (and grammar too). My english skills are still more passive than active. Reading and typing are not a big problem, but when I have to speak, my brain stops work.
    We can go for a beer and just talk.
    Thanks for response

  25. Sarka napsal:

    Hello everybody,

    Would you like speaking in English just like me? Do you want improve your English? Do you like movies, music, nature, photography, pets or deep conversation? Are you interested in meeting new people? So reply me a I will look forward to our conversation.

    Little bit about me: I´m 29, I live near Velka Bites but almost every day I´m in Brno.

    Cya and have a nice day 😉

  26. Veronika napsal:

    Let me introduce myself. My name is Veronika I’m twenty four YO. I was in UK last 2 month, i will come back soon. I have better english when i write, but i need practise with SPEAKING! 🙂 I’m bad speaker but i want to be better. if you are interested please contact me, I will be very happy when contact me begginer speaker. My english isn’t good, don’t scared me. My e-mail adress is

  27. Karolína napsal:

    jmenuji se Karolína je mi 27 let a ráda bych se doučila angličtinu. Je tu někdo kdo by mi pomohl?
    Jsem začátečník od školy jsem zakrněla 🙂
    Budu vděčná aspoň za psaní.
    Moc děkuji

  28. Michaela napsal:

    Hi, my name is Michaela, I am 19 years old. I live in small city Přerov in Moravia. I studied on business academy and now I study English language. My hobbies are fitness, animals, cycle, sport, cooking and traveling. Just leave me a message. 🙂

  29. Tereza Vojackova napsal:

    Dobry den, jmenuji se Tereza. Je mi 26 let, bydlim ve Stredoceskem kraji u Nymburka a jsem uplny zacatecnik v anglictine. Anglictinu se potrebuji naucit z duvodu, ze chci odcestovat do zahranici. Potrebuji, alespon mit zaklad. Bohuzel doucovani od ucitelky ze skoly mi bohuzel nic nedalo a nic jsem se nenaucila. Chtela bych vas nekoho pozadat o pomoc. Dekuji Tereza

  30. Tomáš Kopecký napsal:

    Hello, my name is Tom. I have 32 years old ald live in Zlín. I work as Grafik Artist. Me hobies is chat with friends. I can only a little English.
    Thank you to all who write me.

  31. Martin napsal:

    Hello, my name is Martin, I am almost 30 years old. I live in village Hrabenov, near Šumperk. I am working as office worker with marketing work. I study mechanical engineering in VŠB Ostrava with branch office in Šumperk. I have not native speaker for speaking english every day. I have a hearing impairment.

    My email:

  32. barbora napsal:

    Hi, i am Barbora and I really need improve in english. I like writting and drawing. I will be glad, that you contact me.

  33. Jackob napsal:

    Hello, Iam Jackob, I live in Velka Bites and I would like improve my english. Iam 23 old and Iam looking for somebody who will speak with me or write message. I usually use very easy englis and basic prhase,.. My favorite hobbies are sports, family, traveling.

    If you want send me email I will looking forward to you 🙂

  34. Gabriela napsal:

    Hello, I´m 49 years old, I live in České Budějovice. My hobbies are tourism, traveling, cycle, …. My English is very bad, I need practise for my job – teaching chemistry laboratory. If you want to contact me:

  35. Gabriela napsal:

    Hi, my name is Gabriela. I am 20 years old. I live in towm Chotěboř. I study at Higher Professional school. My hobbies are reading, going out with friends, my dog. I have problem with conversations in English. My email is

  36. Arny napsal:

    Hledám někoho na mluvení v angličtině okolo 50 let. Bydlím v Brně a jsem věčná začátečnice. Angličtinu mám spíše jako koníčka.
    ráda bych se posunula v angličtině kousek dál
    Kontakt na mě

  37. Veronika napsal:

    Hello, I am Veronika, I am 32 years old. I have got 2 small children and husband 🙂 I live in village near Valašské Meziříčí. I have quite problems with English speaking, but I want to speak and I do everything fot it 🙂 I like reading (my favourite writer is Stephen King), animals – mainly dogs and music.
    Let´s write an email 😉 Thank you.
    My email:

  38. Veronika napsal:

    Hello there, I am Veronika, 26 years old, live in Brno and and I’ll be very grateful if someone would like to practise conversation in English. I don’t remember very much from grammar, but for now I think it isn’t so important. I have problems with speaking, I am afraid of it, but I want to change it. I like travelling, reading, sports, nature, animals and rock music. If you are interested, please write me an e-mail 🙂

  39. Jarda napsal:

    Hallo, I am Jarda and I am 62 years young. I am 3 years beginner englisch – beginner always. I want to understand and answer English. I do not want lose abroad. I do not need grammar

  40. Káťa napsal:

    Hi there,
    my name is Káťa and I’m 23, from region Karlovy Vary. I’ve just graduated from Social work and I would like to go abroad. So I need to improve my english skills. Doesn’t matter if it’s face to face, or just writing, talking on Skype. I’ll be glad for everything. My interests have no border. But on the top there are: music, people, social work, different cultures, nature, economy or just philosophize about the universe.
    Skype: ka.moriko

  41. Kamila napsal:

    HI, my names Kamila and I can’t spek english very good, but I would like learn to speak english, cause I want to very traveling. I’m 16 and i like play computer games, cats and read books. I live in the Czech republic near Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. Help me with my enhlish please.
    Thank you very much.

  42. Lenka napsal:

    Hi, I am Lenka and I am 26 years old. I would like to improve my english by speaking or writing on skype. I live in small village. I am friendly. I look forward to your answer 🙂

  43. Pavel napsal:

    Hi,everybody here.I’d like to meet a person whom is willing to practice
    English speaking via Skype. I’m age of 35,happilly married and free-minded.
    My Skype contact is– bustech828

    If you feel up to,feel free to touch.


  44. Ingrid napsal:

    Hi, my name is Ingrid, 34 years old, and I’d like to improve in English. Is there anyone here from Prague? My email is

  45. Tereza napsal:

    Hi. My name is Tereza and I’m 22 year old. I live in Vimperk. I’m student of Fakulty of Ekonomics in České Budějovice. My English is very bad and I would like to improve. Especially in speaking :). My email is

  46. Jiřina napsal:

    Hi, my name is Jiřina, I´m 30 year old. I´m materniti leaves and I would like learn English. I speaking only litle English. I lieve in Chomutov. My email is

  47. Staňka napsal:

    Hi, my name is Stanka and I am a older person. I´m 50 years old, but I want to lern English. Is here someone who will be speak with me and live near Brno – Prostějov?

  48. Adam napsal:

    Hi guys! Any beer / vine / tea in Prague? I am 26 year and my name is Adam. I like traveling so I need improve my English. I’m programmer (freelancer) and I would like to be a digital nomad. Let’s go talking about traveling, music (i play on saxophone and guitar), business or about whatever. Have a nice day!

  49. Lucie napsal:

    Hi,my name is Lucie .I am 26 years old.I live in Jicin and I work in Liban.I need help because i want to learn english.
    So i will glad when someone writes. By 🙂

  50. Monika napsal:

    Hi all, My name is Monika and I need speak English. Because my English is very bad. Is here someone who will be speak with me? I am from Hodonin. My hobbies are etc. Horses, books, in line, music, dancing fitness and other sports. I have a small daughter. She is 3 months old. I have a dog (french bulldog). My English is probably B1. I will be happy if I meet someone people. I prefer communication in Skype – face to face but I can meet with you at 20 o’clock. Have a nice time. Monika.
    Here is my email adres.

  51. English napsal:

    Hi I am 18 years old and I’d like to practise english either via skype or face to face in ostrava + cities nearby ostrava. my english is about B1. I’d would be happy if I met here somebody who wants to practise their english

  52. Michal napsal:

    Hello, I would like to learn to speak English with someone face to face or throught by Skype. I am 31 years old and I live in Ostrava. My english level is A2 (pre-intermediate, may be). So I would be very glad to find someone who have the same ambition.

    Please, to contact me via e-mail:

  53. Eva napsal:

    Hello My name is Eva. I speak English very bad, but Iwant to learn to speak well. I love animals, photography and music for 90

  54. Andrea napsal:

    Hi, my name is Andrea, I study in Ostrava in college „VSB“. I live in Haviřov and I am 25 years old.I need to help with english, because I finish school and my english not very well. I think, that for future employment is english much importment. I hope, that I find here friend for english. Have a nice day 🙂

  55. Kateřina napsal:

    my name is Kateřina and I´m 25. I didn´t speak English for quite a long time, so I want to improve my English. I am on level B1 maybe :). If you want to write me an e-mail , it will be great and I will be glad. Thanks and have a great time 🙂

  56. Jozef napsal:

    my name is Josef and I´m studying English at university in Brno. My level is somewhere between B1-B2. I would like to find somebody for talking and improvement of English speaking :). I am studying economic specialization, so if you are interested in economy, it will be great. However, it is not necessary! I prefer conversation via Skype or we can meet somewhere if you are from Brno. My e-mail:

  57. Iveta napsal:

    Hi, my name is Iveta and I am 18 years old. I have issue with speaking in English. I´m shy , because I afraid from misstake. My English is not good. I find someone, who want to conversation with me. Please contact me and I will be happy

  58. Ars napsal:

    Hi, my name is Ar and lm 22 years old. lm looking for someone who wants to speak English at skype. l thing my English level is B1, it is a reason why l looking for someone for conversation. If someone wants speak with me at skype, phone etc. Plese contact me. My e-mail –

  59. Michaela napsal:

    Hi, I’m Michaela Svobodová. I’m 26 years old.I learned English one year. My English is basic. I can not speak because I am ashamed. I’m afraid of mistakes and then I am not able to speak fluently.I weant improve my English. Help me someone, please? Thank You

  60. Nela napsal:

    Hi, my name is Nela and I’m looking for someone who wants to speak English and improve language skills. I live in Prague 🙂

  61. Andrea napsal:

    Hi, I am Andrea and I live in Breclav. I want speak in English and improve this language. I am loocking forward to your email

  62. Lenka Vavřinová napsal:

    my name is Lenka and I am 25 years old. I have learned English for many years but without success, because I have big problem with communication and poor own dictionary =o) Nowadays I live in Pardubice because of job, but I was born in South of Moravia. My biggest hobbies are reading, crosswords, roller skating, dancing and puzzle. According to test my English level is B1, but as I already said because of bad practice in communication I feel such as absolute beginner =o) If you have same problems (not fluently speaking, bad vocabulary, fear of speaking), we will can try to solve it together ;o)

  63. Ota napsal:

    „věčný student“ – a perpetual student

  64. Mája napsal:

    Hi, my name is Marie. I´m 21 years old. I study economics in České Budějovice. I have a lot of hobbies.

  65. Frank napsal:

    Hi guys, Iam Frank, 27 years old, I would like to talk in English every week – Jihlava.
    Daily talks, technician English, business English.
    Someone funny and smiling – I really like nice atmosphere.

    Thank you Frank

  66. Kentaur :3 napsal:

    Je vám mezi 13-20 lety?
    Zkuste .
    Opravdu doporučuji 🙂 skvěle si pokecáte a naučíte se anglicky

  67. monika napsal:

    Jsem z Prahy je mi 45 a chodím do školy. Na gymnázium. Angličtina mi dělá trošku problém,mám tak nějak úroveň začátečníka, ale přesto bych z ní ráda v květnu maturovala. Z tohoto důvodu hledám někoho s kým bych vedla

  68. Michaela napsal:

    Hello 🙂 I am Michaela and I am 20 years old. I wanna improve my english and be better in speaking. I have time mornings and evenings and weekends. Please contact me on misasix@seznam 🙂

  69. Dáša napsal:

    Hi, I am 19. I have to prepare my skills to the maturita exam. Would you like to speak with me? If yes, answer to my mail. I am not vere very good in english, but I would like to improve it! What about thursday at 20:00?? Or sunday at the same time. Of course according an

  70. Čanny napsal:

    Hi!My name is Trang but my friends call me Čanny.Im original Vietnamese but I live in Czech Republic with my family since I was 5.Im 18 years old and Im senior too.I want to improve my English speaking because I really love English language.Im a bit shy when is coming to speaking so i will be very glad if can converse with someboby:)and Im very excited to meet a new friend.We can help each other and improve together our English:)and my English level is B1-B2

  71. Parris napsal:

    Hi , I’m Petra . I’m 16 years old. But everyone calls me Parris . It’s been my nickname that belongs to me : D . I’m from Prague and I go to language school 🙂 I have a lot of free time and I’d like to converse with someone 🙂 I like dancing very much :*….

  72. Veronika napsal:

    Hi. My name is Veronika. I am 17 years old and I live in a city near Mladá Boleslav. My hobbies is dance and sport. I would like to speak very well English. My level of English is pre-intermediate. Please contact me.

  73. Helena napsal:

    Hi.My name is Helena. I´m from Slovakia but 3 years I live in Prag.
    I´m 27 years old and i have two older siblings – brother and sister.
    In Prag I live with my mum and sister and my little dog. Name my dog is Bono.My hobbies is swimming, reading, going out with friends. I want to learn English because of getting better job and i don´t want to be affraid of speaking English.
    My level of English is beginner because I don´t have enough of oppurtunities to using English.

  74. Dominika napsal:

    my name is Dominika I am 20 years old and I live in a villige near Brno.
    My hobbie is for exemple singing, skiing, laugh with friends;-),
    cooking, I like go to the theatre or cinema.
    My big plan to the future is working like a nurse in some English or Deutsch city, so I don´t know if I have a real plan but i believe that if somebody really want to do something, he do that..
    something about my english i think that i am pre intermediate … I want to talking with somebody who can speaking english very well and can help me in a nice funny conversation:)
    If you want to..please contact me:)

  75. Petra napsal:

    Hi, my name is Petra (18). I live in a village. Its not far from Brno. I am going to study law in Brno this year. My hobbies are sports. (My favorite sports are swimming, cycling and skiing.) books, going out with friends. When I did some english level tests on the internet. I was between B1/B2 but unfortunately I have problem with speaking because I dont use english very often. (I watch movies and read articles, but I dont speak…)

  76. Michael napsal:

    Hi, My name is Michael. I am 16 years old. I live in Prague, with my mom. I have part-time job in fastfood KFC Průhonice at service. I want to learn to speak English better, because I’m not very good basis from primary school. My hobbies are : Walking, Computers, Music and I want to start shooting some videos. Type of music and other and then post them at YouTube. My level of English is anywhere between beginner to itermediate.

  77. Jana napsal:

    My name is Jana. I am 24 years old. I live in town Nymburk. I live with my grandmother and her dog. I’m a receptionist. I like walking, riding a bike and reading. My level of english is pre-intermediate.

  78. Lucka napsal:

    My name is Lucka and I am 23. I live in a village near Jindřichův Hradec. I am a college student in Czech Budejovice. My interests: animals-especially dogs and horses, sport. Whenever I have a free time when you make a deal.

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