Zde jsou témata, ze kterých můžete vybírat. Seznam stále rozšiřuji, pokud se při lekcích chcete zaměřit na nějaké téma, které tu není, tak ho pro Vás ráda připravím. Náročnost otázek bude uzpůsobena Vaší jazykové znalosti.
1. Introducing yourself
2. Family
3. Learning English
4. Relationships
5. Children
6. Hometown
7. Feelings, emotions
8. House, chores, furniture
9. Seasons, weather
10. Holiday
11. Weekend
12. Health
13. Medicine, alternative medical treatment
14. Traveling
15. Food and drinks
16. Hobbies
17. Sports
18. Music
19. Books
20. Movies, TV
21. Shopping, Fashion
22. Money
23. Homelessness
24. Happiness
25. Internet
26. Mobile phones
27. Computers
28. Social Network Sites
29. Photography
30. Inspiration
31. Motivation
32. Charity, volunteering
33. Crime, Police
34. Animals and wildlife
35. Fame and famous people
36. English studies, language
37. Diet
38. Silly questions
39. Pubs, Clubs and Bars
40. Generation gap
41. Birthdays
42. Job Interview
43. Mobile phones
44. Pregnancy, motherhood
45. Memory
46. Job, career
47. Self-employment
48. Cars
49. Motorbikes
50. Media
51. Parties
52. Stress
53. Adventure
54. Giving directions
55. Plans for the future
56. Would you rather
57. Idioms
58. Dance
59. Customer service
60. Driving
61. Harry Potter
62. Hospitals
63. Olympics Games
64. Horoscopes, signs of the zodiac
65. Disney
66. Heroes
67. Supermarkets
68. Drugs
69. Neighbours
70. Doctors
71. Habits
72. Single life
73. Smoking
74. Aliens
75. Emphaty
76. Family values
77. Getting a job
78. Dating, marriage
79. Luxury items
80. Naturals wonders
81. Naturals disasters
82. Productivity
83. Privacy
84. News
85. The five senses
86. Success and failure
87. Stories
89. Water
90. Responsibillity
91. Valentine’s day
92. Goals
93. Politics
94. Gifts
95. English Proverbs
96. Fashion
97. Models
98. Hotels
99. Airplanes
100. Cooking, baking
101. Superlatives
102. Humour and jokes
103. Love, Dating & Marriage
104. Coffee
105. Teenagers
106. The most extraordinary jobs
107. Childhood
108. Cleaning
109. Au-pair job
110. Unemployment
111. Who is the greatest…?
112. Inventions
113. Restaurants
114. Body language
115. Old photos
116. The power of a smile
117. Year in review
118. Weddings
120. Investment
121. Cities
122. Customer service
123. Corruption
124. Retirement
125. Tattoos and piercings
126. Vegetarianism
127. Meetings
128. The euro
129. Sleep and dreams
130. Small talk