3.4 Children

Are you good with children?

What do you think about single mothers?

What’s the most irritating thing about children?

From what age should children be allowed to work?

Do you think gay couples can be good parents to adopted children?

Do you think it is better to have children when you are older or younger?

What is the best number of children to have? How many boys or girls?

How does having children change someone’s life?

Would you allow your child to get a tattoo?

What are some ways that you have seen others spoil their children?





Otázky pro konverzaci s parťačkou:

Is it more fun to spend time with children or adults?

What kinds of things do people have to give up when they have children?

What are some of the benefits of having children?

How do children who have no brothers or sisters act?

Is it a parent’s job to give their child whatever they want to make them happy? Why? / Why not?

What rules do parents make? How effective are they? What training do parents have in your country?

Should a good mother give up her job to stay at home with her children?

What advice would you give to children today?



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Sama jsem se naučila anglicky při dlouhodobých pobytech v Anglii a USA. Věřím ale, že se člověk dokáže rozmluvit i tady v Čechách, když ví, jak na to.

Při mých lekcích ženy zapomínají, že se učí a přitom se postupně zbavují komunikačních bloků.

Jsem nadšená z pokroků svých studentek a ráda s angličtinou pomohu i vám.

Radka Havlíčková